Black Friday Sale?

Black Friday Sale? Do you get caught up in the frenzy? Here at Verdant we don’t have regular sales, for many reasons. One of them simply because we cannot afford to.
Creating local and sustainable products is expensive. But we do it because we are passionate about having better alternatives to dress our homes. And we want to honour the time, pain and love that goes into making each of our products.
Do I really need it?
The biggest most important question to ask yourself is: ‘do I really need it’, before buying.
Yes it is counterintuitive coming from a retail business. But as a long time fabric-a-holic, a little part of me winces when someone buys fabric without a purpose in mind. Even though it’s great to make a sale, sometimes I don’t want to let the fabric go! Fabric sitting in a cupboard (or in my case several suitcases) is not the best use of our planet’s resources.
Sale on Discontinued fabrics
We do reduce the price of our discontinued fabrics throughout the year. And sometimes we discount product that has been sitting around for ages, but that’s it. I know someone at some point will love that piece and it will go to its rightful home. You can check out our discontinued fabrics, slightly faulty fabrics and end of line gems here.
Quite frankly we are not into doing what everyone else is doing. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have started on this journey almost 12 years ago. Back then almost no one in the industry was into being sustainable anyway.
So no, a Black Friday Sale is not for us.
Being mindful about what you buy, helps lessen the impact on our environment. It also helps small local businesses like us, keeping any profits local. And can encourage you to take a moment in our usually overloaded lives.