How Sustainable are we at Verdant?

Verdant recycling symbol

Being Sustainable at Verdant. Recently we’ve been looking at certifications around Sustainability & Carbon neutrality. We do the best we can for the planet, however, we can always do more.  Janette did a questionnaire recently for a particular certification which showed up areas we need to work on. We don’t want to be greenwashing, but…

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Tips for Plastic Free July

Mr Verdant thought I was on a personal crusade this month when I mentioned we were going Plastic Free this July.  But no it’s a real thing that others are also doing, not just me. So to celebrate Plastic Free July, I thought I would share what we have done so far in the Verdant…

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Plastic Free July

Stuck for ideas on how to go Plastic Free this July?  Here is Plastic Free Julys newsletter with some ideas on reducing your plastic in the kitchen. The only thing I would avoid is tinfoil for your frozen meat. Go straight to reusable glass instead. Pyrex do some great glass containers with lids that can…

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