Welcome to my new blog

Welcome to my new blog. Where I attempt to provide simple tips for ecological, sustainable and green living. Along with some simple but hopefully inspiring photos to match.

All the tips are things that my family and I do, they may be ideas that I have yet to put into practice, or they might be things that other friends and family successfully practice. Life is busy, so it can be impossible to change everything at once unless you go cold turkey. And then it is often difficult to find good alternatives.

I know how hard it can be to change habits, and I definitely know how hard it can be to convince others close to you, (or your significant other) to change their habits, but changing small things one step at a time can eventually make a huge difference.

The photo is a little bit random, but it was taken by me in my garden.  A red admiral butterfly sitting on a native Hebe. Plants and insects; some of the things we need to take care of, so we can sustain the planet that sustains us.