Mid-Winter Honeycomb Blind Sale T & Cs

Honeycomb Blinds are a great way to provide insulation on your windows without the expense and inconvenience of Double Glazing. You can read more about Honeycomb blinds in our blog: Offer ends 21 July 2024 Here’s the T & Cs: Orders must be placed and 60% deposit paid by 21 July 2024 Offer applies to…

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Green Celebrations: Easy Tips for a more Earth Friendly Season

You may have noticed we didn’t participate in the recent Black Friday Sales. (Even though we already had a fabric sale on!)  The notion of the day contradicts what we do, especially at a time of year when it can easily get out of hand.      The environmental impact of the season, with its excess wrapping paper,…

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Blind Details

Fabric Blinds

Choose the right blind for the right space. Here are a few details about our Blinds. Cord & Cleat Style Roman Blinds This style is great for small simple blinds. Its the most economical option for fabric roman blinds. And it is the simplest to fix. The head rail (the thing the fabric is attached…

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Black Friday Sale?

Black Friday Sale? Do you get caught up in the frenzy? Here at Verdant we don’t have regular sales, for many reasons. One of them simply because we cannot afford to. Creating local and sustainable products is expensive. But we do it because we are passionate about having better alternatives to dress our homes. And…

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What is the best insulation for windows?

Honeycomb blind outside

Even though the sun is still shining, I can feel a definite chill in the air, with the season  changing.  At this time of year, we always start thinking about how to make our homes warm for the winter. We love Consumer NZ for their testing they do different products, and an article I came…

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We now have a real shop

South Coast Collective Shop

In November 2018, we opened a real bricks and mortarr shop on the fringe of the Wellington’s CBD on Webb St, (at the top of Cuba St). We have joined our other South Coast Collective friends, whom we did a Pop Up Shop with in 2017. We have all our Vida Textiles fabrics and sampling…

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Organic Beeswax Wraps

organic beeswax wraps

We have had quite a few enquiries of late about fabric for making beeswax wraps. We have now added another section to our shop fabric menu, so you can see what can be used. Janette wrote a blog about this a few weeks ago on her Verdant Living Blog:  So we thought we would add…

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Compostable Curtains

Compostable Curtains

A few years back I had a client tell me she was bluntly asked ‘do you want your curtains to rot?’…. Well – Yes we do. We don’t want them to hang around for eternity in a landfill somewhere for future generations to have to deal with. I have been reading recently about Circular Economy in business…

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Our upgraded website

Vida Textiles Home Page

We have finally have fixed a few of the issues on our upgraded new website. The main issue we had recently was speed. Changing over formats meant it was a drag for you to get anywhere on the website, and OMG what a drag for us at the back end! So much so we stopped…

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